Category: Controls

Erratum – Arduino external forced reset circuit

My previous post (Watchdog watchdog) sought to fix a problem – the Arduino ATmega328 I was using to monitor my heating system would occasionally hang. It would remain hung despite the use of the built-in watchdog timer to reset it. I’m not sure why, but I suspect it’s related to the electrical environment. In particular, I’ve replaced the entire Arduino board, and tested the program on the bench (where it worked perfectly, resetting as intended). I tried reconfiguring the watchdog interrupt service routine to pull Arduino pin 12 low and connected that to the ~RESET line. Still no good.

Fast forward (a few years!) while I ignore the problem and manually reset the Arduino every couple days. Finally, I designed and built a new circuit to power-cycle the Arduino; it worked perfectly on the bench. But not in deployment. Rats!

So I did a little modification – I removed the MOSFET and other power-cycling components, and dedicated a pin of the ATtiny to the inverse of the power-cycling pin – it is pulled low when a reset was needed. That pin is connected to the ~RESET line on the Arduino board. It looks like this works. I’ll update this post with news, and if it looks good, with the new program and circuit documentation.

Teensy, touch sensing, and ESP8266 – via MQTT and Raspberry Pi


I have a demo/development setup on a small breadboard which powers an ESP-01 ( the small, cheap, 8-pin breakout board for an ESP8266 chip ). In addition to being a programming board, it has 3v3 voltage regulation, a pot, a temperature sensor, a simple LED, and a WS2812 3-color LED. I have the installed ESP8266 running a program to subscribe to an MQTT broker and light the LEDs according to publications on a certain topic.

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The overloading of potentiometers

Creating complex firmware for existing hardware is often complicated by unforseen ( or ignored by the hardware designer ) human-interface issues. One example of this situation comes up when a project requires more settings than there are physical controls for. Modern cameras provide examples of the problem, and also of its solution.

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